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Out of Stock

Quercus falcata

Quercus falcata

Southern Red Oak, Spanish Red Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus gambelii

Quercus gambelii

Gambel Oak, Gambells Oak, Gambels Oak, Oak Brush, Scrub Oak, White Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus garryana

Quercus garryana

Oregon White Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus geminata

Quercus geminata

Sand Live Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus georgiana

Quercus georgiana

Georgia Oak, Stone Mountain Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus ilicifolia

Quercus ilicifolia

Bear Oak, Scrub Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus incana

Quercus incana

Bluejack Oak, Sand Jack, Turkey Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus kelloggii

Quercus kelloggii

California Black Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus laevis

Quercus laevis

Turkey Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus lobata

Quercus lobata

California White Oak, Valley Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus lusitanica

Quercus lusitanica

Dyer's Oak, Gall Oak, Lusitanian Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus lyrata

Quercus lyrata

Overcup Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus macrocarpa

Quercus macrocarpa Southern


Bur Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus macrocarpa

Quercus macrocarpa X Gambellii

var. x gambellii

Bur x Gambell Oak, Burgambell Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus marilandica

Quercus marilandica

Blackjack Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus michauxii

Quercus michauxii

Cow Oak, Swamp Chestnut Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus muehlenbergii

Quercus muehlenbergii

Chinkapin Oak, Chinquapin Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus myrsinifolia

Quercus myrsinifolia

Bamboo-Leaf Oak, Chinese Evergreen Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus myrtifolia

Quercus myrtifolia

Myrtle Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus oglethorpensis

Quercus oglethorpensis

Oglethorpe Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus palmeri

Quercus palmeri

Dunn Oak, Palmer's Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus palustris

Quercus palustris

Pin Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus phillyraeoides

Quercus phillyreoides

Ubame Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus polymorpha

Quercus polymorpha

Mexican White Oak, Monterrey Oak, Netleaf White Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus prinoides

Quercus prinoides

Dwarf Chinkapin Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus pubescens

Quercus pubescens

Downy Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus pungens

Quercus pungens

Pungent Oak, Sandpaper Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus robur

Quercus robur

English Oak, Pedunculate Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus rubra

Quercus rubra

Northern Red Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus rugosa

Quercus rugosa

Netleaf Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus serrata

Quercus serrata

Bao Li

Out of Stock

Quercus sinuata

Quercus sinuata var. breviloba

var. breviloba

Bastard Oak, Bigelow Oak, Scaly-bark Oak, Shortlobe Oak, White Shin Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus sinuata

Quercus sinuata var. sinuata


Bastard Oak, Durand Oak, Durand White Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus suber

Quercus suber

Cork Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus texana

Quercus texana (nuttall oak)

Nuttall Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus turbinella

Quercus turbinella

Arizona Shrub Oak, Sonoran Scrub Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus undulata

Quercus undulata


Wavyleaf Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus vacciniifolia

Quercus vaccinifolia

Huckleberry Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus virginiana

Quercus virginiana

Live Oak

Out of Stock

Quercus wislizeni

Quercus wislizenii

Interior Live Oak

Out of Stock

Rhamnus caroliniana

Rhamnus caroliniana

Carolina Buckthorn, Indian Cherry

Out of Stock

Rhamnus cathartica

Rhamnus cathartica

Common Buckthorn

Out of Stock

Rhododendron arborescens

Rhododendron arborescens

Smooth Azalea, Sweet Azalea

Out of Stock

Rhododendron atlanticum

Rhododendron atlanticum

Dwarf Azalea

Out of Stock

Rhododendron calendulaceum

Rhododendron calendulaceum

Flame Azalea

Out of Stock

Rhododendron catawbiense

Rhododendron catawbiense

Catawba Rhododendron, Catawba Rosebay

Out of Stock

Rhododendron fortunei

Rhododendron fortunei

Fortune Rhododendron

Out of Stock

Rhododendron occidentale

Rhododendron occidentale

Western Azalea

Out of Stock

Rhododendron prinophyllum

Rhododendron prinophyllum

Early Azalea, Roseshell Azalea

Out of Stock

Rhododendron viscosum

Rhododendron viscosum

Clammy Azalea, Swamp Azalea, Swamp Honeysuckle

(315) 497-1058
269 NY-34 Locke NY 13092

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